Toys R Us: Play Day – FREE Event (Apr 12 starts at 11am)
Play Day at Toys R Us is this Saturday, April 12, 2014 starting at 11am. There’s a maximum of 100 giveaways per store so make sure you get there early (while quantities last). The event is recommended for ages 3+.
Visit your local Toys R Us store and take part in all the exciting free activities (activities may vary by store):
LEGO MAKE N’ TAKE : Build a LEGO Captain America Shield and take it home! A special LEGO build dedicated to the new Captain America
film out in theaters April 4th!
DISNEY PRINCESS PALACE PETS : The Disney Princesses have always loved their animals; take part in our in-store scavenger hunt to
learn about the pet belonging to each Princess! Cool prizes available for completing the activity.
CRA-Z-LOOM BRACELET MAKE N’ TAKE : Make an original Cra-Z-loom Fishtail Bracelet or ring without a loom. Don’t worry, we’ll show you how!
PRODUCT DEMONSTRATIONS : Test your skills with some of the new and exciting toys & games available at Toys“R”Us! Demo product
may vary by store.
CRAYOLA COLOUR WONDER :Explore the wonder of color using Crayola® Colour Wonder. The ink is clear on most surfaces, but each
marker “magically” shows up a different color on Colour Wonder paper! Colouring sheets vary by stores.
DISNEY INFINITY POWER DISC TRADE! Bring at Disney INFINITY Power Disc to the Play Day event and trade it in for a different one!
Max. 20 new or traded Power Discs to choose from. Limit one Power Disc trade per person.
Click here to visit Toys R Us’ website for more details.